Amy Amy Amy

Amy Winehouse may be in trouble with the law again after she headbutted a man outside a London club and punching another in the face on Tuesday.

“She was off her face, throwing drinks around and turning over tables. Amy screamed, ‘I am a legend, get these people out. I want to take drugs’.”

A drunken Wino left Mustapha el Mounmi with swollen and bruised lip after the Moroccan musician was nice enough to hail a taxi for the intoxicated singing star:

“I feel so angry. She smashed my face hard. I could not hit back — she’s a woman,” says Mustapha, who describes Amy as a “snarling tigress.”

A representative for the Metropolitan Police tells that they “are investigating an alleged assault on Chalk Farm Road at approximately 3:20 am on April 23. A 38-year-old man [contacted] Kentish Town police station and alleged a 24-year-old woman had assaulted him. No arrests have been made as yet but inquiries continue.”

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Einhver var nś bśin aš spį fyrir um žetta, hvort hśn vęri žurr į įkvešnu tķmabili eša hvort hśn héldist žurr....

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Einhver (IP-tala skrįš) 25.4.2008 kl. 19:56

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

100% Sammįla

Ómar Ingi, 25.4.2008 kl. 23:20

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