19.4.2008 | 17:51
Overheard in New York
Asian girl: Let's get sushi.
Asian guy: I don't like sushi.
Asian girl: You don't like sushi? What kind of Asian are you?
Asian guy: Chinese.
Asian girl: But there's even white people who like sushi!
Father yelling at his drunk son: Hey! Don't lick my damn ciggarettes!
Son: I lick whatever I fucking want!
Father: I'll lick your fucking ass! [People turn their heads] ...What, he's my fucking son!
Woman: I'm getting married.
Man she just met: Oh, congratulations! When is the wedding?
Woman: When I find a man who wants to marry me.
Hipster guy: Have you ever been arrested?
Hipster girl: Yeah, when I was sixteen my friend and I got arrested for shoplifting. It really wasn't that bad. The cops were super cool and we were all joking around and shit and our mugshots were actually pretty cute.
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Ásdís Sigurðardóttir, 19.4.2008 kl. 18:02
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Ómar Ingi, 19.4.2008 kl. 18:04
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