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Kinky Details of CNN Anchor's Central Park Arrest


So, CNN personality Richard Quest was arrested early Friday morning for drug possession when police found in Central Park well after the park's 1 a.m. curfew. Sure, the initial reports said Quest told police he was carrying methamphetamime in his pocket, but leave it to the NY Post to add the really detailed details.

Not only did Quest have drugs, he also had a "rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot." That was so not in the NY Times' account. The Post also reported, "It wasn't immediately clear what the rope was for" and that "the officer at the scene was able to ID the drug because of 'his prior experience as a police officer in drug arrests, observation of packaging which is characteristic of this type of drug, and defendant's statements that... "I've got some meth in my pocket."'" Ha!

Quest, who was in jail most of yesterday, was charged with loitering and drug possession (but not lewdness because he wasn't exposed). His lawyer claimed Quest was "returning to his hotel with friends" and had no idea there was a curfew for the park. Quest will attend six months of drug counseling and if he stays out of trouble, the charges will be dismissed and his case sealed.

According to reports

Quest was busted with drugs in his pocket, a rope around his neck that was tied to his genitals, and a sex toy in his boot, law-enforcement sources said.

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