Tori Tori

Tori Spelling’ er aš fara verša mamma aftur og nś er žaš lķtil stślka en fyrir eiga žau ungan dreng.

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Details of the 90210 spinoff have been leaked.

Looks like the yet-to-be greenlit show could feature more racial diversity than the original. That's a good thing!

The focus of the show will be the Mills family of Beverly Hills. Matriarch of the family is Tabitha Mills, actress/alchoholic who was a major star in the 1970s and had been linked to everyone from Warren Beatty to Jack Nicholson (sounds like Lohan in her 60's). After her latest bout at rehab, Tabitha decides to try to live on her own in her BH estate.

Alcoholic mom on her own? No way! Enter the 'new' Walshes. Do-gooder son Harrison "Harry" Mills, a 1980s graduate of Beverly Hills High, decides to move back home to the 90210 after years in St. Louis to look after mommy dearest. He brings with him his wife, Celia, an Olympic athlete who's looking forward to living in Lalaland, and ends up working as a personal trainer.

They have two 16-year-olds, daughter Annie and adopted son Dixon. Annie is theater type who's desperate to fit in with the cool crowd. Dixon is a supersmart bad boy with social and behavioral issues. The producers are supposedly open to actors of all ethnicities for the Dixon role.

Here's who Annie and Dixon will be hanging with at BHHS:

Daphne Silver: a wannabe socialite who hosts her own YouTube series. She becomes good pals with Annie and has a crush on Dixon (as well as the only Jewish girl at BevHills High with a black boyfriend — another hint that producers are considering making Dixon's character non-white). Sounds a little Andrea to us!

Max Silver: Daphne's 24-year-old brother, is a working man who manages the family movie theater at the Century City Mall. He seems forever on the verge of a nervous breakdown and appears to be harboring some secrets. Could he be a 'darker' Nate?

Navid Shirazi: produces the high school's student-run video newscast and is of Middle Eastern descent. He's the consummate high school politician. He seems very Brandon-esque.

Ethan Ward: a likable jock who falls out of favor with the "in" crowd and ends up hanging with the Annie/Dixon crew. Steve is that you?

Naomi Bennett: Ethan's super-hot, ultra-rich ex-girlfriend. She appears to be a brat but will end up having more layers. A little bit of Donna plus a little bit of Kelly?

We are loving it!

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