Brit News

Britney Spears has been driven bonkers by an the haunting of an unplanned pregnancy and subsequent abortion when she was twenty years old, according to new whispers from the Rumor Mill.

“After the abortion, Britney said she went home and just cried and cried…She never fully recoverd.”

National Enquirer spywitnesses claim that a guilt-ridden Britney Spears never recovered emotionally from an abortion in March of 2002 and has convinced herself over the past six years that she is “going to hell” for terminating her unplanned pregnancy.

On the rebound from Justin, Britney had sex with other men from her hometown and could not be sure who the father was, The Enquirer reports.

“She was careless and was having unprotected sex while she partied,” says a tabloid mole. “She told Kevin she remembered feeling like she just wanted everything to go away….She honestly thought it could have been Justin’s baby until she went to the doctor and the exam showed she was only weeks int her pregnancy.”

“Kevin believes all the drugs and drinking and her bipolar condition stem from her horrible guilt over not havign that baby.”

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