6.3.2008 | 17:30
Ašdįendur 24 geta kęst ašeins
Framleišendur af 24 eru aš bśa til 2 klukkutķma prequel til aš brįua biliš į milli serķu 6 og serķu 7 žessi sjónvarpskvikmynd mun verša frumsżnd ķ haust og fer ekki ķ bķó.
Nįnar hér..........
Wee! It's a hap-hap-happy day ... FOX has revealed that it will air a special 2-hour TV movie for 24 this Fall which is being billed as a prequel to the upcoming 7th season. In order to bridge the gap between season 6 and season 7 (caused by that pesky Writer's Strike), this new TV movie seeks to give the audience a taste of things that occurred in the 24verse in between seasons:

Fox's "24" will be returning in the fall, after all. The producers of the Emmy-winning series are developing a two-hour "prequel" to the upcoming seventh season. The movie, designed to bridge the two-year gap between Seasons 6 and 7, is targeted to air in the fall, leading to the January return of the real-time drama. On Wednesday, "24" producers began securing the show's core cast members for the film. "24" was one of the biggest casualties of the writers strike. Three days into the work stoppage, Fox decided against airing a partial season of the serialized drama with the eight episodes produced before and during the first weeks of the strike. Each season of "24" is a closed arc that takes place in real time over a 24-hour period. The upcoming seventh season is set in Washington and features the first female U.S. president, played by Cherry Jones. At the end of the writers strike, there were rumblings about a possible split of the seventh season into two parts to air in the fall and in midseason. But Fox was quick to put those rumors to rest, reiterating that the show's scheduling pattern will remain intact with a January launch. The "24" writing team is back at work, with filming on the remaining episodes of the seventh season slated to begin in April. Missing from the writers room is the series co-creator/executive producer Joel Surnow, who left at the end of the strike. Since the fifth season, "24" has been run by exec producer Howard Gordon.
Brilliant! I support this decision whole-heartedly. I was absolutely against a "shorter season" and am glad to know that the show will be kept intact the way it should be. I cringed at the thought of a season of 24 that was only made up of 8 hours ... dumb. I don't mind waiting until next January for a full season intact ... but this 2-hour prequel movie will be a great way to tide us over til we get a full new season.
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Woo fucking hooo! Haukur smaukur!!
Ég slefa af gleši ... en žaš geri ég samt ekki!!
Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 6.3.2008 kl. 19:07
Ómar Ingi, 6.3.2008 kl. 23:13
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