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"Abandoned" Baby Plot Unravels, Unclear Whether 14-Year-Old Mother Knew of Plan

2008_02_babyaban.jpgNews that the tale of an adorable abandoned baby was only half-true has resulted in a number of arrests and many questions. And it's possible the baby's 14-year-old mother may not have known about the scheme.

Livery car driver Klever Sailema, who dropped off the baby at a Queens firehouse claiming she was abandoned in his cab, was charged with criminal facilitation and filing a false police report. He told the Post in an exclusive interview:

"I feel really bad. It wasn't my intention to hurt anybody," a shaken Sailema said from a holding cell in Kew Gardens yesterday. "We did it so that the girl would be well cared for. I just wanted to help."


The cabby, a father of three from Elmhurst said that he kept up the ruse because "every time I lied I thought it would end there.

"I felt terrible. In my heart I knew it wasn't right. It was a mistake."

The baby's aunt Maria Siavichay and her brother, the baby's father, 27-year-old Carlos Rodas, apparently asked Sailema for help in ditching the 6-month-old baby. Siavichay was charged with criminal facilitation while the police are looking for Rodas, who may face statutory rape charges.


Rodas referred to the baby's mother as his "wife" but they had a fight and the teen left the apartment and the baby with Rodas. Rodas's super said that a few weeks ago Rodas told him, "My wife left me last night, she left the baby and I don't know what to do." A neighbor of Rodas who baby-sat the infant in the past few weeks saw the baby's picture and called the police on Friday.

Also on Friday, a family friend saw the girl crying and holding a newspaper with her baby's photo in the Bronx; Stuart Caban said, "She was depressed, scared, crying. She loved her daughter. She wanted to be with her," so he took her to the 46th Precinct. And per the Daily News, "The young mom told Caban she had been abused and threatened by Rodas and claimed he snatched the baby away from her."

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"Unclear Whether 14-Year-Old Mother Knew of Plan"

Kjartan (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2008 kl. 21:27

2 identicon

Takk fyrir sķšast Ómar

Bryndķs R (IP-tala skrįš) 2.3.2008 kl. 22:25

3 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Natan Satan

Ég veit hluti.

Jį Takk fyrir sķšast Bryndķs

Ómar Ingi, 3.3.2008 kl. 00:25

4 Smįmynd: Halla Rut

Lesa alla greinina Kjartan.

Halla Rut , 3.3.2008 kl. 00:39

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