17.2.2008 | 17:06
Kvikmynd frá Brasilíu fćr Gullbjörnin sem besta kvikmyndin í Berlín
Violent Brazil cop drama named best film in Berlin
BERLIN Jose Padilhas Tropa de Elite (The Elite Squad), a story of police corruption and gang violence in the Brazilian slums, has won the Golden Bear for best film at the 58th Berlin International Film Festival.
The Elite Squad was a surprise winner, beating out critical favorite There Will Be Blood from Paul Thomas Anderson, which won two Silver Bears: best director for Anderson and best sound for Blood composer Jonny Greenwoods experimental electronic soundtrack.
The Grand Jury Silver Bear went to Standard Operating Procedure, Errol Morris documentary on torture in Iraqs Abu Ghraib prison. Morris film was the first documentary to screen in competition in Berlin.
Sally Hawkins won the best actress prize for her ebullient, crowd-pleasing performance in Mike Leighs Happy-Go-Lucky. Irans Reza Najie won the best actor Silver Bear playing a man struggling to earn his daily bread in Majid Majidis The Song of Sparrows.
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