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Hannah Rock“s

'Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour'

Disney 3-D pic “Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour” set off tween mania at the weekend box office, scoring the highest Super Bowl weekend gross of all time -- $29 million -- from only 683 screens, easily sinking previous champ “Titanic.”

Based on the whammo turnout, the Mouse House announced Sunday that it’s extending the pic’s one-week run. By marrying a favorite star who is a phenom among young girls with digital 3-D technology, the studio was able to upend the traditional theatrical release pattern and turn the concert film into an event that moviegoers were willing to pay more for.

Super Bowl weekend is a refuge for female-skewing pics as many men and boys are otherwise occupied, and this year was no exception.

Lionsgate’s Jessica Alba horror pic “The Eye” debuted at a strong $13 million from 2,436 runs to come in No. 2, according to Rentrak. The Lionsgate-Paramount Vantage co-production is rated PG-13.

The weekend’s other two new wide releases, however, remained on the sidelines as holdovers stayed on the field.

Gold Circle’s Eva Longoria Parker starrer “Over Her Dead Body,” distributed by New Line, opened at an estimated $4.6 million from 1,733 locations to place No. 11. Paramount Classics’ nature TV spoof “Strange Wilderness” grossed $3 million from 1,208, coming in at No. 13.

With its per-screen average of $42,460, “Hannah Montana” helped propel the domestic box office to historic heights for Super Bowl weekend, with total ticket sales up more than 37% over the same frame last year, when Sony’s “The Messengers” debuted at $14.7 million, according to Media By Numbers.

Year-to-date, the domestic box office is up 15.4% over 2007 thanks to a record-breaking January and first weekend of February.

“Hannah Montana” smashed several records, including highest opening for a film playing on fewer than 1,000 screens; 20th Century Fox’s “Borat,” which opened at $26.4 million from 837 locations in fall 2006, was the previous record holder. Disney couldn’t have gone wider than it did due to the limited number of digital 3-D screens.

“Titanic” previously held the record for best Super Bowl weekend gross, tallying $25.2 million in its sixth weekend back in 1998. Previous record-holder for best Super Bowl opening was “When a Stranger Calls,” which grossed $21.6 million in 1996.

“Hannah Montana” also posted the best opening for a pure digital 3-D release.

Already a TV and recording star, Miley Cyrus now adds the bigscreen to her resume. Cyrus’ Disney Channel series “Hannah Montana” has been the No. 1 cable show among kids 6-14 for two years. The daughter of country music star Billy Ray Cyrus plays a teen who lives a secret life at night as pop star Hannah Montana.

Miley Cyrus’ sold-out, 70-date concert tour ended Thursday night, the eve of the movie’s opening.

“Here’s a concert that ended Thursday night and everybody could see it on Friday. The beauty of 3-D is that when you are in a theater, every set is like you are in the front row. It’s a better seat than what you’d have in most concert venues. That’s what people coming out of theaters are astounded by,” said Disney president of distribution Chuck Viane.

The majority of digital 3-D screens on which the film is playing are Real

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