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They seem like a rather unlikely duo, the comedian and the action star, but Jerry Seinfeld and Tom Cruise have been palling around in New York City. On Tuesday night, Tom and Jerry took their wives, Katie Holmes and Jessica Seinfeld, on a dinner date to the Upper East Side's Sfoglia. The next day, the boys, along with Tom's daughter, Suri, 21 months, visited Jerry's garage to see his famed car collection. According to Jerry's rep, both stars have homes in Telluride, Colo., and got to know each other there. Jerry admitted to Access Hollywood last year that he'd dabbled in Scientology. "I did some Scientology courses about 30 years ago," he said. "I don't know that much... but I liked it." We're sure Tom, who's currently in a widely circulated video about Scientology, can fill him in.

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