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Amy Winehouse went berserk, yelling and screaming and photographer in the street, after her husband Blake Fielder-Civil told her from his prison cell: “I want a divorce.” Amy flew into a fit of rage outside the jailhouse. A spywitness says: “She suddenly just went off big-time. It was a scary sight.” She was reportedly escorted away from the incident in London by police.

Blake Fielder-Civil has asked Amy Winehouse for a divorce, according to British tabloid reports. This isn’t the first time the drug-addicted couple has been slammed with divorce rumors, but this time it’s Amy’s own father who is confirming the report.

‘Blake threatened to issue divorce proceedings when they were having a row,’ Amy’s dad, Mitch Winehouse, reports.

‘Unfortunately, Blake is influenced by things his mother has said,’ he tells Grazia Magazine. ‘I think Georgette wants them to divorce, but it’s up to them.

‘From Amy’s point of view, she would stick by him not matter what. But he has said things like, “I want a divorce”.’

‘The Blake and Amy situation is imploding,’ says a tabloid mole. ‘Blake has been listening to his mother, and he’s been hot and cold with Amy when they do meet.’

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