Ţreytt ójá en ég er bara svo ţrjóskur ......

Theory 1,889,642 On Why Britney Spears Has Lost Her Damn Mind: Maybe The AP having Brit’s Obit ready to run isn’t such a bad idea, after all. At least according Beverly Hill shrink Dr. Lillian Glass; she tells theGlobe that Britster will bite the big one in the next six months if she’s not tossed back into the Looney Bin ASAP. Dr. Glass claims Britney is exhibiting all the classic signs of a potentially deadly mood disorder, called cyclothymia.

“Unless Britney is locked away or put into a treatment program, she is going to die in six months - or even sooner. In my opinion, she suffers from cyclothymia, a chronic mood disorder in which short periods of mild depression are followed by short periods of hypomania. Her mood can change in minutes. That explains why one minute she (Spears) can appear perfectly sane and the next she’s exhibiting totally crazy behavior,” Dr. Glass tells the publication, “She’s definitely a candidate for suicide if she isn’t treated immediately!”

“If she’s using booze and drugs to numb her tortured feelings, nothing could be worse for a cyclothymic patient. She is a powder keg waiting to explode.”

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1 Smámynd: Ásdís Sigurđardóttir

Varst ţađ ţú sem sendir bréfiđ? ég hélt ţetta vćri alvöru GUĐ

Ásdís Sigurđardóttir, 17.1.2008 kl. 23:13

2 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Já lestu Góđu bókina ég er GUĐ

Ómar Ingi, 17.1.2008 kl. 23:20

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