Britney Spears was let go from Cedars Sinai medical center because she no longer posed an imminent threat to herself as perceived by the hospital, PerezHilton.com.
The trainwreck demanded to be released, and Cedars Sinai had no choice but to let her go.
A source tells us, "It is very difficult to keep a patient in a psych ward at a hospital for longer than 24 to 48 hours. Even if you have tried to committ suicide (which Brit did not do) you are released as soon as you are no longer a threat to yourself. It is very very rare for someone to be in the psych ward of a hospital for more than a week or two even after attempting suicide."
Continues our source, "Brit is no different than other mentally ill people. After being admitted and given meds they are released if they are not a suicidal threat to themselves or others."
Spears' father, Jamie, was with Britney the morning of her release.
Britney probably left AMA (against medical advice), we're told.
A source says, "Normally, you have to have a court order or judge ruling to keep someone against their will in the hospital."
Britney's dad or lawyers should do that ASAP!!!!!!!
After miraculously convincing the staff of Cedars Sinai to release her Saturday morning, a clearly deranged Britney Spears is currently at her Beverly Hills home in The Summit, PerezHilton.com has learned.
We hope she gets better, but she probably won't.
Britney is the gift that keeps on giving!!!

If you're a celebrity, you can pretty much do anything you want!
A normal person would have had to stay in the hospital for 72 hours, but Britney Spears bolted from Cedars Sinai on Saturday, just a day and a half after being admitted and put under psychiatric evaluation against her own will.
And, to make it all wonderfully surreal, none other than Dr. Phil, the TV talk show host, paid Unfitney a visit Saturday morning and was seen walking her to her car, The Insder is reporting.
This woman is CLEARLY a danger to herself and others.
Why would the hospital release her??????
Shame on you, Cedars Sinai! Shame!!!

Brit Brit must be bored and hungry for even more attention.
The mentally unstable mother of two went for a little drive Saturday afternoon, just hours after being released from the hospital, our friends at The Insider tell PerezHilton.com.
"Britney just tried to leave her house around 11:45 A.M.," The Insider tells us. "She pulled out of the gate, drove to the end then made a U-turn and went back to [her gated community] The Summit after she saw the paparazzi."
Who goes for a drive three hours after being released from the hospital?
Someone needs to force this girl to get help!!! FAST.
Tekiš af PZ
ETOnline.com is reporting that Britney Spears has been released from Cedars-Sinai Hospital after receiving a visit from Dr. Phil and her father Jamie Spears earlier this morning. TMZ is reporting that Britney has been raging against her captivity since she was admitted yesterday ... which, presumably, led to the visit from Dr. Phil and Papa Spears ... which, again presumably, led to her release from the hospital, well under the reported 72-hour stay for a routine psychological evaluation:

Sources tell ET that the pop star was released this morning via an underground tunnel. DR. PHIL was seen in the hospital visiting with BRITNEY and members of her family prior to her release, and he even walked the "Toxic" singer to her car afterward, sources tell us. According to the hospital, there was no reason to hold Britney any longer, ET has learned. Before she was released today, Britney was, apparently, far from a model patient: We are hearing from multiple sources that Britney Spears is throwing a fit on the 7th floor of Cedars-Sinai. She is demanding to leave, screaming at the staff, will not lie or sit still, we're told ... We have also been told she has pulled her IV out and is generally out of control. It appears to me that Dr. Phil, with the help and authority of Britney's father Jamie Spears, has swooped in to offer his brand of help that is sure to land her, in some way or form, on his nationally syndicated TV show. To say that this shocking development alarms me would be an understatement. I have a hard time believing that this action on the part of Dr. Phil (who I find generally pompous, irritating and extremely unsavory over all) and Jamie Spears (who I find generally at a loss at what to do as a parent to his children) somewhat detrimental to Britney's well-being. Exploited to the last? That remains to be seen ... all we know at this point is that she is no longer under the expert care of the trained medical professionals at Cedars-Sinai Hospital.
My guess is that she will be spirited away to some undisclosed treatment facility out of state and out of sight. It is also my guess that we may not see her again until she shows up on the Dr. Phil Show ... unless the everzealous paparazzi find her first.
Tekiš af Pink
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