Spį um ašsókn föstudagsins ķ USA og nokkrir fróšleiksmolar

Allra stęrstu 5 NICOLAS CAGE Kvikmyndir
1. National Treasure - $173M
2. National Treasure: Book of Secrets - $169.7M (estimate)
3. The Rock - $134M
4. Ghost Rider - $115.8M
5. Face/Off - $112.2M


Allra besta ašsókn ķ JAN HORROR kvikmyndir ķ US topp 5
1. Underworld: Evolution - $10.2M
2. White Noise - $8.9M
3. Hostel - $7.6M
4. Final Destination 2 - $5.7M
5. One Missed Call - $5.2M (estimate)

Allra besta ašsókn meš leikara eša leikurum sem eru tölvuteiknašir ķ US

1. King Kong - $218M
2. Alvin & the Chipmunks - $176.7M (estimate)
3. Scooby-Doo - $153.2M
4. Stuart Little - $140M
5. Godzilla - $136.3M


1. National Treasure: Book of Secrets (Disney) — $6.1M, $1,621 PTA [$156.9M cume]
2. NEW - One Missed Call (Warner Bros) - $5.2M, $2,321 PTA [$5.2M cume]
3. I Am Legend (Warner Bros.) — $5.05M, $1,384 PTA [$217.38M cume]
4. Juno (Fox Searchlight) - $4.95M, $2,571 PTA [$40.7M cume]
5. Alvin and the Chipmunks (Fox) — $4.51M, $1,303 PTA [$165.2M cume]
6. P.S. I Love You (Warner Bros.) — $2.51M, $1,019 PTA [$33.8M cume]
7. Charlie Wilson’s War (Universal) — $2.43M, $939 PTA [$46.8M cume]
8. The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep (Sony) - $1.84M, $664 PTA [$26.4M cume]
9. Sweeney Todd (Dreamworks/Paramount) — $1.75M, $1,401 PTA [$34.8M cume]
10. Atonement (Focus) — $1.4M, $2,406 PTA [$15.5M cume]

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