Ekki rétt Golden Glopes verša afhent į tķma en fįir eša nęr engir leikarar munu męta


Despite rumors to the contrary, NBC announced Friday that it was going ahead with plans to broadcast the Golden Globes ceremony.

Held a little over a week from today, on January 13th, the show is expected to be picketed by the striking writers and the Screen Actors Guild is advising members not to attend.

Should be very interesting to see what happens!

Tekiš af Perez

SAG says actors won't do Globes

SAG president Alan Rosenberg has announced that not one of the more than 70 actors nominated for a Golden Globe will attend the Jan. 13 ceremonies.

Tekiš af Variety

mbl.is Golden Globe ķ hęttu
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1 Smįmynd: Įsdķs Siguršardóttir

Ég get žį loksins mętt, stašgengill you see !!!

Įsdķs Siguršardóttir, 4.1.2008 kl. 23:32

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