4.1.2008 | 23:09
Britney Spears įframhald fréttir
As an update on Britney Spears latest meltdown, it has been reported that she has been placed on a minimum 72-hour lockdown (known as a 5150) at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
Spears court-appointed child monitor reportedly called the police last night when Britney locked herself in a room with her son Jayden James.
And ......
we have to wait until Monday to find out the results of Friday's emergency hearing in the Britney vs K-Fed bitter baby battle!
Hopefully the court will take the steps necessary to ensure the safety of those children .and Britney's safety too.
Update: "There are no winners here," Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, said after Friday's hearing.
He added that he was "not happy about any of the events that have happened."
The reason Jayden James was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance on Thursday evening?
Britney said that he had a bruise on him, a family insider tells Page Six, adding, And she said she did not do it.
Little JJ was checked out by the doctors and released early Friday morning, when he was returned to K-Fed's house.
"The boys are okay, just very shaken up," says the family insider. "It took Kevin quite a while to get them settled down."
Thankfully neither Small Fry nor Tater Tot were seriously injured!!!
Britney's lawyers can breath a little easier!
Despite the madness of Thursday night, law enforcement have announced they will not be pressing any charges against Spears.
"We aren't charging her with anything at this time," says an LAPD spokesperson.
The court, on the other hand, may have severe sanctions against Unfitney for violating their custody orders!

The emergency hearing in Britney Spears and Kevin Federline's custody battle is over. K-Fed was temporarily awarded full physical and legal custody of children Sean Preston and Jayden, and Britney's custody is suspended. Upon exiting the LA courthouse, Kevin's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, told In Touch , "I'm not happy about any of these events going on," adding, "There are no winners." The order is in effect until January 14, when there will be a hearing to determine where the case goes.
Earlier today, Britney Spears' lawyer Tara Scott left the chambers looking extremely unhappy alongside Kaplan after a 20-minute meeting behind closed doors. According to insiders, the mood at the courthouse was somber as people were still in shock over the events that took place last night. Just yesterday, Scott filed legal papers requesting that Trope and Trope be removed from Britney's case, citing a "breakdown in communication" between the law firm and the troubled pop star.
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Bryndķs R (IP-tala skrįš) 5.1.2008 kl. 10:02
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