Dis & Den

Jet Li Makes Bank


Chinese action star Jet Li (Romeo Must Die and Lethal Weapon 4) will score 100 million yuan ($13 million) for his latest movie, a record for an actor in a Chinese-language film, reports Reuters.

Nearly half of the $40 million budget for The Warlords went to the cast, among whom were Hong Kong heartthrobs Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro.

“Without Jet Li, we would not dare to invest $40 million in a Chinese-language film,” Xinhua news agency quoted director Peter Chan as saying.

The Warlords, a war epic based on a Qing Dynasty story, is slated for release in Asia in mid-December and in North America from next March.

‘The Duchess’ Movie Stills


The Duchess movie stills!

Pictured to the left is Atonement director Joe Wright and the movie’s stars Keira Knightley and James McAvoy at the Master Shipwright’s House in London. This photo is featured in the December 2007 issue of Vanity Fair.

The Duchess, is out in 2008.


Angelina Jolie: EW’s Entertainer of the Year

Angelina Jolie was named one of the 25 Top Stars of 2007 for Entertainment Weekly’s “Entertainers of the Year.”

Angelina Jolie is currently fulfilling fanboy fantasies in Beowulf with her role as Grendel’s mom. Grendel’s naked mom. In digital 3-D, no less. But energizing her base is hardly the 32-year-old actress’ only accomplishment this year. In A Mighty Heart, Jolie strapped on a prosthetic pregnancy belly, donned a curly wig, and delivered the sort of heart-wrenching turn that reminded audiences why she won that Academy Award (for 1999’s Girl, Interrupted) in the first place. In other words, she acted.”

To check out the full list of entertainers of the year, including EW’s top pick, linkurinn hérna aš nešan



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1 identicon

Oh Angie ... žś ert svo flottust!!!

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.11.2007 kl. 22:03

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

viš veršum alltaf sammįla um aš vera ósammįla um žessa NORN.

Ómar Ingi, 25.11.2007 kl. 23:40

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