

Á meðan fólk er að pæla í því hvort að hún sé fallinn eða ekki , heldur hún hinni fíkninni sinni gangandi sem er að versla og versla osfv....


Nú er kella að fara leika smáhlutverk í Sex In The City The Movie Go Vicky Go Vicky !!

Hverjum er ekki sam um að að Amy hafi drepið Hamstur en með of miklu Kókaini AMY þÓ !!!!

Cracked-out jazz songstress Amy Winehouse has been accused of wacking a hamster.

Peter Pepper, of Brit band Palladium, told the Daily Mirror he found his beloved hamster Georgie Porgie dead after he had been drinking with Amy at his girlfriend’s party in North London last year.

‘Georgie was a birthday present and we’d got him out to play with in the morning.’

‘I’d been to bed, but Amy had stayed up and was still going strong and had drunk the drink cabinet dry.’

‘I was a bit suspicious when she said she was good with hamsters.’

‘By the time I came back Amy said she’d put it to bed and it was sleeping. But just hours later the hamster was stone cold and hard. I don’t know what she did to it – it was probably crack.’


Hin Gullfallega Amy WinHo   OOJJJJJ en mikið djöfull er hún góð söngkona



Britney Spears is up for a role in a new film-and she’s adopted a British accent in preparation for an upcoming audition.

og hún bað líka Kvein Federlene að fara í ófrjómisaðgerð já klippa á kvikindið af hverju jú hún vill ekki að einhver kella úti bæ eignist börn með honum  ...  SIGGA við þurfum að tala saman BlushGrin

Gangi þér vel Brit  hehehe

 Katie Couric Sex Pictures For Sale; Katie Couric Intimate Photos Stolen For $1 Million


A new fire broke out early Sunday morning in Malibu, only a handful of weeks after another deadly blaze caused major havoc in the coastal LA town.

Many residents of the swanky beachfront community have been forced to evacuate again.

Damn those Santa Ana winds!!!


Nýji kærastinn hennar Brit


CHRISTINA AGUILERA  ólétt og flott og engar nærbuxur Vúhú Undecided


Hulk Hogan was blindsighted by his wife Linda’s request for divorce.

The former wrestler, currently in Los Angeles to prepare for his hosting duties in the new revival of American Gladiators, was called by a reporter from their hometown paper the St. Petersburgh Times on Friday night, who broke the news to Hogan.

“Thank you for the great information,” Hulk said politely and hung up.

Five minutes later, he called back the reporter and said, “I’m kind of shocked. You caught me off-guard. My wife has been in California for about three weeks. … Holy smokes. Wow, you just knocked the bottom out of me. … I just pulled over to the side of the road for five minutes to find out what was going on here.”

Awwww. Poor Hulk!

Asked whether he and Linda had discussed divorce, he said, “That’s my private business.”

That witch didn’t even have the courtesy of telling him before she filed for divorce???


Perez segir hér frá en fyrir þá sem ekki þekkja kauða þá er þetta ein nhver frægasti wrestler í USA í den og hefur verið að gera á VH1 stöðinni raunveruleikaþætti um sig og fjölskyldu sína NO MORE NOW.

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