Dont Belive The Hype

ryan_gosling.jpgDo not believe a ridiculous report that there will be litigation over Ryan Gosling dropping out of The Lovely Bones right before principal photography was to begin on the Peter Jackson movie based on the Alice Sebold novel. Really, the b.s. on the blogosphere is amazing. Here's what happened, according to a good source: "Ryan's 26. The character of Jack is 36. Ryan and Peter both believed that if he put on a little weight, and perhaps added a beard, that it would age him up. In the end, Ryan felt he couldn't make the age leap in a way he felt good about." Another source confirms there won't be any lawsuit, but tells me about friction which was tantamount to a "battle of wills": Jackson "had a very hard time" with Gosling's putting out a million ideas of what he wanted to do without taking into account Jackson's own directorial vision. "Jackson didn't want to work with him after spending time with him in Pittsburgh," the insider says, "And the thought was that Ryan went overboard with the weight gain" and showed up way too heavy. So Mark Wahlberg took Gosling's place in the DreamWorks production.

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1 identicon

Peter Jackson getur bara gert snilldarmyndir ... ég hlakka til aš sjį žessa. Ég meina ... er žetta ekki bara endurtekning į Stuart Townsend-Viggo Mortensen mįlinu? Ž.e. aldur varš ungum leikara "aš falli"? ... En bloggheimurinn er grimmur og bżr til sögur.

Mark Wahlberg veršur fķnn... 

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.10.2007 kl. 19:59

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi


Doddi hann gerši Frighteners

Ómar Ingi, 25.10.2007 kl. 20:11

3 identicon

Hķ hķ hķ ... žegar mašur er svona heilažveginn ašdįandi eins og ég, žį fyrirgefur mašur margt ... en hann gerši lķka snilldarverkiš Heavenly Creatures ... žyrfti aš taka PJ helgi einhvern tķma .. 

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.10.2007 kl. 20:17

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