Herra Svalur


Lamdi einhvern gaur tvisvar yfir einhverri stelpu į klśbb um helgina ķ NYC og ķ stašin fyrir aš fara fyrri rétt bżšur hann bara gaurnum fķnt śt aš borša į Butter in the Village with Steven Acevedo.

Lżsing į veitingastšanum ķ NYC


Looking around the room, it was obvious that diners were initially there for the scene - but what becomes rapidly aparent is that the people in the kitchen are using the plates as canvass. The determined and unwaivering use of seasonal ingredients and the steadfast committment to high quality is what diners at butter come away with. Whether you are healing your soul with spare ribs cooked with love - or tasting the devine halibut, sturgeon or scallops... you can't go wrong. My reccomendation - don't miss the angel hair with caviar or the friend doughnuts. Enjoy an amazing evening at Butter.” 

The Scene
Butter's dining room is beautiful and airy, with high arched ceilings and a giant back-lit photo of a birch forest. Though sentinels guard the door, the decor is almost enough to reassure you that this is a serious restaurant. Service is warm and knowledgeable, if at times forgetful.

The Food
The American menu features a laundry list of trendy ingredients. Standout entrees include delicious grilled ostrich with polenta, white asparagus and bone marrow. In other cases, a showy effect detracts from an otherwise fine dish: Olives, for example, diminish the flavor of perfectly grilled mackerel, and sea bass is overwhelmed by garlic.

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