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What an idiot!


Britney Spears was supposed to get her first, supervised visitation with her boys, Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, on the morning of Oct. 4 – three days after she last saw them. But an insider tells Life & Style that things tragically fell apart because of a faulty intercom!

The night before, “She checked into the Beverly Wilshire hotel. But early that morning, she realized it wouldn’t be right to have her first visit with the boys in a hotel. She needed to see them at home, with their things around them,”says the insider.

“She and Alli [Sims] headed to Brit’s Malibu house. They went to sleep as soon as they got there. Brit was up in plenty of time to prepare for the boys’ visit at 10 a.m.”

“But she waited, and waited, and they didn’t show up. Alli’s cellphone rang, and it was Kevin’s people, saying that the boys were going back to Kevin because she hadn’t answered the intercom at the gate!

“Brit didn’t realize the intercom wasn’t working. She begged them to bring the boys back. But they wouldn’t. She was devastated that they wouldn’t turn around.”

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