Britney Spears į leišinni aftur ķ mešferš


Has the Lord heard our prayers???

A Los Angeles judge on Wednesday told Kevin Federline that he will keep full physical custody of his children.

Britney was granted conditional visitation but those visits must be monitored.

The judge also ordered that both parties must appear at the next hearing on October 26th. K-Fed was at Wednesday’s hearing. Britney was not.

Meanwhile, OK! magazine is reporting that Spears will check back in to rehab this weekend.

AND, she’s making the wise choice of going to rehab far far away from Hollywood.

How far?

The Caribbean!

That’s right, OK! claims Spears is checking in for treatment at Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Centre in Antigua, over the weekend in an attempt to get custody of her children.

This would be the second time this year that Britney’s been at the Crossroads Centre. She checked in for just over 24 hours in the winter.

Spears also spent a month at Promises rehab in Malibu.

Britney is reportedly planning on checking into Crossroads on Saturday, October 6th.

“Britney’s team has been working closely with her attorneys to figure out a way to get the babies back from Kevin,” a pal of the singers tells OK!, “She is surrendering herself to rehab for treatment of depression and alcohol so that there is no questioning if she is drinking or missing any future tests.”

They forgot to mention drugs. Girlfriend is a drug addict.

Let’s not sugarcoat this!

She also needs some hardcore psychiatric treatment.

Brit’s friend says, “She’s got to pull her life together or else she’ll lose the kids for good. She will do whatever her legal team and those closest to her thinks is best if it means she gets Preston and Jayden back.  She’s getting the help she needs and everyone is hoping she goes through with it this time.”

We’re hoping she goes through with it this time too.

We genuinely want her to be better.

Get well, Britney!

P.S. We hope OK! is not wrong in their report.

P.S. #2 Will all these new developments affect the release of Britney’s new album? It is scheduled to be released on November 13th. She probably will do NO press to promote it.

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