Britney Spears įkęrš fyrir umferšarlagabrot.


Hversu lįgt getur hśn fariš

She was involved in a hit and run car accident in August, which was all caught on tape by the paparazzi, and she left the scene without leaving a note on the car she hit!

Did we already mention that the paparazzi videotaped this all????!! YA! THEY DID!!!!

On Friday, Spears was charged with hit and run causing property damage AND she was also charged with driving without a valid California license.

Each count would carry a maximum of 6 months in jail, or a $1,000 fine.

A hearing is set for October 10th in Van Nuys Superior Court.

Jį įgętis endir į viku hjį Brit  Woundering

While she spent yesterday out shopping with son Sean Preston, Britney Spears was preoccupied with the legal system today (September 21).

The Gimme More singer was spotted getting quite emotional on her way into a Los Angeles area doctor’s office on Wilshire Boulevard. It has been assumed that the trip was for the first of her many court ordered drug tests. Britney Spears įkęrš fyrir umferšarlagabrot
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