Leigumoršingi į eftir K FED eša bara góš lygasaga


In this corner we have Entertainment Tonight, the reputable media outlet that is reporting that there is a contract hit on Kevin Federline’s life.

The TV show claims to have reliable sources - including informants inside the FBI - that verify their report.

In this other corner we have TMZ, another reputable media outlet, and they are calling the death threat story bullshit.

Oh, shit. It’s on!

Says TMZ:

“According to LAPD, the department opened an investigation into a threat on Federline’s life nearly two months ago, but the case was closed due to insufficient evidence. TMZ also spoke with the L.A. spokesperson for the FBI, who blasted reports claiming that the the FBI ever confirmed anything about a K-Fed investigation saying, ‘The information on the Internet on these reports is not accurate. It did not come from the FBI at all.’”


Who to believe???? TMZ or ET????

It’s a tough one!

Lįnaš frį Perez

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

LAPD spokesman Lee Sands confirms that the law enforcement agency has investigated a possible contract hit on Kevin Federline The information was passed on to the LAPD by the FBI.

Tja hérna žetta er aš verša alger DALLAS sögužrįšur

Ętli nęsti žįttur muni heita WHO SHOT K FED

Ómar Ingi, 17.9.2007 kl. 21:41

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