Vill Hún drepa hann !!!!

‘Someone’ (Cough, Britney Spears, Cough) has issued a hit on Kevin Federline. According to Entertainment Tonight sources, the FBI and LAPD are investigating legitimate leads on a contract hit on Kevin’s life. ET claims the FBI made attempts to contact Federline to inform him of the potential danger. Britney og Kevin fyrir dómara í dag
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Þetta er bara sú besta sápuópera sem ég hef nokkurn tíma vitað um. Ég dýrka þetta ...

... en er ég þá vondur maður, þegar ég brosi?

Doddi - Þorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skráð) 17.9.2007 kl. 16:43

2 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Þau redda slúðrinu alla daga

Er annað hægt en að brosa að þessu hvíta hyski dauðans

En annars er lagið hennar að detta úr spilun og fólk almennt að fá nóg af laginu sem ennþá er ekki komið út formlega  

Entertainment Tonight, a very reputable media outlet, has some schocking allegations that could rock the custody battle between the former pop star and Kevin Federline.

ET has several reliable sources that the FBI and LAPD are investigating legitimate leads on a contract hit on KEVIN FEDERLINE’s life.

Multiple sources tell ET that the FBI made attempts to contact Federline to inform him of the potential danger.

Sources within the FBI tell ET that this is the bureau’s standard operating procedure when someone’s life is threatened.

ET has been working this story for the past two months. When contacted, the FBI told us that the bureau cannot confirm or deny an investigation.

Damn! Damn! Damn!

Entertainment Tonight sounds like they are VERY certain of this information. And, you know what?

We wouldn’t put it past Britney or her camp!

Trying to kill your babydaddy????


Ómar Ingi, 17.9.2007 kl. 18:47

3 Smámynd: Ómar Ingi

Lögfræðingurinn hennar HÆTT og FARINN , og veitingastaður í finní kantinum hefur BANNAÐ Britney að mæta aftur á svæðið eftir að hún smurði mat af disknum sínum í andlit sitt og lét illum látum svo mikið að kvartað var yfir henni.


Britney Spears’ lawyer, Laura Wasser is ditching the pop tart just before her Monday morning custody hearing. Laura Wasser will submit legal papers to formally withdraw Spears’ attorney.
Marci Levine will replace Wasser as the pop star’s counsel. Laura claims Britney wouldn’t listen to or follow her legal advice so that she could maintain custody of her two toddlers.

Ómar Ingi, 17.9.2007 kl. 18:54

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