Rík Ríkari Ríkust tja allvega ríkari í dag en í gćr

Paris Hilton has finally been granted access to her multi-million inheritance from Granddad William Barron Hilton.

The hotel heiress received the lump sum because her grandfather is said to be impressed by her recent demonstration of ‘business savvy,’ NOW Mag claims.

Eighty year old typhoon William Barron Hilton had previously withheld the fortune in an effort to be sure his twenty-six year old granddaughter was mature enough to handle the money.

Paris celebrated the good news with a night of champagne and partying out in Los Angeles.

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1 identicon

Gott ađ eiga góđa afa ... Paris er náttúrlega ... svo yndisleg! 

Doddi - Ţorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skráđ) 16.9.2007 kl. 22:14

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