Žetta hafši Tommy Lee aš segja um lętin ķ gęrkveldi


Tommy Lee spoke with The Insider  about his big VMA brawl with fellow Pam Anderson ex Kid Rock.

“I was minding myself and then he goes and punches me on the cheek,” claims Tommy. “I was trying to be the bigger man, but he was acting childish.”

Lee claims that Rock came and punched him for no good reason. “[I] was ready to go in the alley and kick his ass. I was about to put Kid in the emergency room when security grabbed me,” says Tommy. “They said, ‘If you move, we will break your arms.’”

What motivated Kid’s actions? “This is what people do when they have shitty albums and their careers are going down the drain,” he joked.

Rock was cited by Las Vegas police for misdemeanor battery.

Girls will be girls!

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi


Ómar Ingi, 10.9.2007 kl. 19:16

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