Kid Rock vs Tommy Lee į VMA hvaš geršist !!!!

  • Kid Rock Tommy Lee Fight MTV Video Music Awards 2007

Las Vegas Police are in hot pursuit of rapper Kid Rock following a brawl with his former other half’s (Pamela Anderson) former other half, Tommy Lee.

“Tommy Lee was sitting by Diddy. [Kid Rock] just walked up and decked him!” It was unclear how the fight started, and there was no immediate word on whether police got involved,” says MTV correspondent Sway.

“They had each other at the necks, they were practically strangling each other.” Another eyewitness saw Tommy Lee escorted out, “screaming the f-word over and over again.” He was taken out into main casino in front of thousands of fans,” gushed an onlooker.

“Stop all of this white-on-white crime. Tommy Lee and Kid Rock fighting like black folks – it’s hilarious.” As the crowd hooted, Foxx, added, “Who won? I was in the bathroom.” “Pamela Anderson has got a hard choice to make,” Jamie Foxx joked.





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