Stašfest Sjįlfsmoršstilraun Owen Wilson

Police Log Confirms Owen Wilson's Suicide Attempt

“Extra” has obtained the Calls for Service report from the Santa Monica Police Department, which lists the reason for the 911 call from Owen Wilson’s house as an “attempted suicide.”

The call was received on Sunday, August 26 at 12:08:16 p.m. The incident was “cleared” almost five hours later at 5:07:16pm.

As “Extra” reported yesterday, sources confirmed that Wilson had indeed attempted suicide. His brother Luke found him, and he was rushed to St. John’s Hospital in Santa Monica before he was taken to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, where he is listed in “good condition.”

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Be Strong kids

Meira um Owen og myndirnar sem hann įtti og var aš leika ķ ....

Variety's Tatiana Siegel has reported that four Owen Wilson movies -- one now being filmed, one due to shoot in January, and two others pending release -- have obviously been affected by last Sunday's suicide attempt by the 38 year-old actor, and particularly by news reports about same.

Wilson was expected to show up in Hawaii to start work on DreamWorks' Tropic Thunder, which costars Ben Stiller, Bill Hader and Jack Black, and then shoot a comedy in January with Jennifer Aniston called Marley & Me...

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