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Og svo er Kevin aš fara į fullt aš fara fį fullt forręši yfir börnunum.

He wants full custody of the kids!!!

We’re going to hell, but this is like the best freakin’ day ever.

Kevin Federline has grown increasingly alarmed about Britney Spears‘ erratic behavior and is prepared for a legal battle to make sure that their two kids end up with him and not Crazy McMother.

Kevin spent three hours on Monday, July 23, with his lawyer, Mark Vincent Kaplan, discussing the options to finally get the kids out of Brit’s less than stellar care.

“Kevin is worried about Sean and Jayden’s safety,” an insider close to Kevin confirms to OK! magazine. “He had heard bits and pieces of what was going on from Brit’s mother, Lynne [Spears] and from the bodyguards but has been trying to focus on getting along with her and didn’t want to believe she had completely lost it.”

And, to make things more complicated for Spears, her cousin and former assistant, Alli Sims is said to be aiding K-Fed in his quest for the kids!

Federline already has BOTH of Britney’s parents, Lynne and Jamie Spears in his corner.

After Alli stopped working for Britney, she and Lynne reached out to Kevin and gave detailed information about her ongoing erratic behavior.

A longtime Britney pal says, “Alli gave specific instances where Brit couldn’t handle having the kids. Kevin was angry at Britney for putting his kids in jeopardy and immediately phoned his lawyer to investigate the claims further. He couldn’t believe she had gotten so out of control.”

Brit’s cousin is planning on providing specific instances to help give full-time custody to Kevin and finalize the divorce from Britney.

And you know Federline’s gonna demand LOTS and LOTS of money from Brit Brit to take care of Tater Tot and Small Fry full-time!

Kevin’s legal team is currently redrafting the divorce settlement to include her recent public and private problems and has already contacted Spears’ lawyers to set up a meeting.

We can’t wait to read all about Brit’s craziness in the new issue of OK!


mbl.is Umtalaš vištal viš Spears birt į föstudag
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1 identicon

Žaš er góssentķš!!!! Ķ alvöru!!! Lilo, Brit og Paris ... eh, correct me if I'm wrong, en af žessum žremur er žį Paris Hilton allt ķ einu oršin sś žęgasta žessa dagana???

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.7.2007 kl. 01:12

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Jś og Britney hefur žó ekki veriš handtekinn fyrir neitt ennžį er žaš ?

Ómar Ingi, 25.7.2007 kl. 09:40

3 identicon

Ekki ennžį .... mu hahahahah!!!

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 25.7.2007 kl. 11:35

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