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Gwen Stefani 4 In The Morning Lyrics

Waking up to find another day
The moon got lost again last night
But now the sun has finally had its say
I guess I feel alright

But it hurts when I think
When I let it sink in
It's all over me
I'm lying here in the dark
I'm watching you sleep, it hurts a lot
& all I know is
You've got to give me everything
Nothing less cause
You know I give you all of me

I give you everything that I am
I'm handin' over everything that I've got
Cause I wanna have a really true love
Don't ever wanna have to go & give you up
Stay up till Four In The Morning & the tears are pouring
& I want to make it worth the fight
What have we been doing for all this time?
Baby if we're gonna do it, come on do it right

All I wanted was to know I'm safe
Don't want to lose the love I've found
Remember when you said that you would change
Don't let me down
It's not fair how you are
I can't be complete, can you give me more?
& all I know is
You got to give me everything
& nothing less cause

You know I give you all of me

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1 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Jį žetta veršur vinsęlt ķ FM 957 ķ vetur

Ómar Ingi, 15.7.2007 kl. 23:38

2 Smįmynd: Jóna Į. Gķsladóttir

Ég allavega öfunda hana af žvķ aš vakna meš žessi augnahįr og žessa greišslu

Jóna Į. Gķsladóttir, 15.7.2007 kl. 23:51

3 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

HAHAHAHA Alltaf hęgt aš treysta į Dónakonuna aš koma meš gott Comment į hlutina.

Jį žaš er rétt spuršu bara Betu

Ómar Ingi, 15.7.2007 kl. 23:54

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