Transformers RULES

Transformers grossed $19.2M on Thursday, according to official studio data, dipping an understandable 34% from Wednesday's record Independence Day holiday tally. After 3.5 days, the Paramount/DreamWorks sensation has amassed a stunning $84.9M as it goes into its official opening weekend period.

The cume for the Michael Bay-directed blockbuster should shatter the $100M milestone on Friday and surge past the $150M mark on Sunday. The summer tentpole's reported budget is $150M.

Taking out the Monday night shows which were only offered in about three-fourths of the 4,011 total theaters playing the film, Transformers grossed a potent $76.1M in its first three full days averaging a muscular $18,981 per location. That is an incredible performance for a time period that does not include any of the actual weekend.

In second place on Thursday was the animated hit Ratatouille with $7.9M, down 23%, giving Disney and Pixar a seven-day total of $80.5M. Although its $47M opening was far behind the $60.1M bow of last summer's Cars, the rodent toon has practically caught up during the holiday week nearly matching the seven-day gross of $83.3M for the automotive pic.

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1 identicon

Hver var upphaflega spįin žķn, Ómar?

Ég spįši hęrra en spekingarnir (120 m) og spįši 130-150 ... ętli viš séum ekki aš tala um eftir žessa 6.5 daga verši totalliš komiš upp ķ 180 millur dollara ķ US alone? That's my final spį!

Hvaš er žķn?

Mig langar aš sjį fo.... myndina svo bad! (ég sletti stundum... ) 

Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 7.7.2007 kl. 01:46

2 Smįmynd: Ómar Ingi

Žaš er rétt Doddi žś varst bjartsżnari en allir og žś ert aš verša sigurvegarinn eins og myndin sjįlf , žaš kostaši 150 milljon dollara aš gera myndina og ašeins ķ mišasölu ķ USA veršur hśn bśin aš nį žeirri tölu inn jafnvelmun meira eša allt aš 170 til 180+ jį ķ milljonum dollara.

Žį syngjum viš Doddi saman

The Transformers,
More than meets the eye
Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the deceptions
The Transformers
Robots in disguise
The Transformers
More than meets the eye
The Transformers.

Ómar Ingi, 7.7.2007 kl. 10:04

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