The heiress just posted the following message on her official blog:
Happy 4th of July!
Current mood: excited
Hey everyone! Im back from my much needed vacation in Maui. It was so beautiful and relaxing. But its good to be home again. I just want to thank you all for your letters of love and support. I am doing my best to respond to each and every one with the letter I wrotethat message was for fans like you who have supported me through it all.
I wanted to let you all know that Im going to be updating my myspace and writing in more cause I havent done it in awhile. The past month has inspired me to move forward with some exciting new projects, so I will keep you all posted.
Happy 4th of July everyone, and remember to be responsible and have a designated driver! Just looking out for you all. I love you and have an amazing summer!
Ómar Ingi, 4.7.2007 kl. 10:02
Žaš eru allir aš bķša eftir henni žessari
Ómar Ingi, 4.7.2007 kl. 10:05
" A girl refuses to marry her longtime boyfriend until he can find the perfect match for her ugly best friend..." --- ętli Paris sé žessi "girl" eša "ugly best friend"??? Žarna munu leikhęfileikar Paris fį aš skķna skęrt ... woo hoo! Sį eša sś sem sį Paris ķ House of Wax (ég į hana, fyrirgefiš mér) veit aš žar fer nęsta Katherine Hepburn...
En Paris er falleg, flott og framśrskarandi ____________ !
Doddi - Žorsteinn G. Jónsson (IP-tala skrįš) 4.7.2007 kl. 10:36
Audda Beta žetta veršur alveg fyndiš
Jį Doddi FRAMśrskarandi _____________!
Ómar Ingi, 4.7.2007 kl. 10:52
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.