16.4.2007 | 22:25
Ed Norton
Einn besti leikari samtímans að fara leika HULK kemur reyndar mjög a óvart en ég er nokkuð viss um að hann klikkar ekki frekar en fyrri daginn.
Þess má geta að Fight Club myndin hans þar sem hann lék á móti Brad Pitt undir leikstjórn David Fincher sem gerði Seven er að koma á DVD í nýrri útgáfu sjá aukaefni á disknum hér að neðan ....
The brand-new Fight Club Definitive Edition uncut version not only includes additional footage, but also some new special features which bring the UK release up to spec with the Region 1, including a featurette about the fight between Tyler Durden and Angel Face (originally cut by censors for being too violent!), an Easter Egg, and commentaries from writer Chuck Palahniuk, scriptwriter Jim Uhls and the crew.
Features include:
- Anamorphic Widescreen Presentation
- English DD5.1 Surround
- English HOH subtitles
- Audio commentary by David Fincher
- Audio commentary by David Fincher, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham-Carter
- Audio commentary by Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls
- Audio commentary by Alex McDowell, Jeff Cronenweth, Michael Kaplan and Kevin Haug
- Easter Egg Merchandise
- 6 behind the scenes production featurettes
- 9 behind the scenes visual effects featurettes
- Behind the scenes on location
- 7 deleted and alternate scenes
- 3 trailers
- 12 USA TV spots
- 3 Spanish TV spots
- 2 PSAs
- Music video
- 5 internet spots
- 3 promotional galleries
- Stills gallery Edward Norton interview
- Art gallery 6 galleries
Nammi Nammi namm
1 Rule of Fight Club "You don't talk about fight club".
![]() |
Edward Norton leikur Hulk |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
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