Topp 10 lķtur svona śt ( Spį um ašsókn ķ US žessa helgina )

1. The Back-Up Plan (CBS Films/Sony) NEW [3,280 Theaters] 
Friday $4M, Estimated Weekend $12M
2. How To Train Your Dragon (DWA/Par) Week 5 [3,665 Theaters]
Friday $3.6M, Estimated Weekend $15.5M, Estimated Cume $178.4M
3. The Losers (Warner Bros) NEW [2,936 Theaters]
Friday $3.3M, Estimated Weekend $9M
4. Date Night (Fox) Week 3 [3,294 Theaters]
Friday $3.2M, Estimated Weekend $10M, Estimated Cume $63M
5. Kick-Ass (Lionsgate) Week 2 [3,065 Theaters]
Friday $2.8M (-63%), Estimated Weekend $8.3M, Estimated Cume $33.5M
6. Death At A Funeral (Screen Gems/Sony) Week 2 [2,459 Theaters]
Friday $2.2M (-58%), Estimated Weekend $7.3M, Estimated Cume $27.8M
7. Oceans (Disney) NEW [1,206 Theaters]
Friday $2M, Estimated Weekend $6.3M, Estimated Cume $8.7M
8. Clash Of The Titans (Warner Bros) Week 4 [3,271 Theaters]
Friday $1.9M, Estimated Weekend $6.8M, Estimated Cume $143.4M
9. The Last Song (Disney) Week 4 [2,794 Theaters]
Friday $1.1M, Estimated Weekend $3.5M, Estimated Cume $55.2M

10. Alice In Wonderland 3D (Disney) Week 8 [1,385 Theaters]
Friday $575K, Estimated Weekend $2M, Estimated Cume $327.3M


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