Rapparinn GURU í dái eftir hjartaáfall og liggur nú milli heims og helju

Rapper Guru In Coma In NYC


The 43-year-old rapper Guru, of Gang Starr fame, reportedly suffered a massive heart attack in New York City over the weekend and has been left in a coma since. He will undergo surgery today.

A trumpeter named Brownman, who has played with Guru for three years in Jazzmatazz, told AllHipHop "Please include him in your thoughts and hopes for recovery. They say it's lonely at the top, in whatever you do, you always gotta watch motherfuckers around you, Nobody's invincible, no plan is foolproof, we all must meet our moment of truth."

The rapper has been living in Jersey City, and was ranked #45 in the Top 50 MCs of our time—check him out in action after the jump. He recently hinted on Twitter that there may be new Gang Starr material released.

UPDATE: It appears that AllHipHop, for some reason, actually printed their exclusive quote from Brownman in combination with his Facebook status, which was a Gang Starr quote. His quote should have just read: "After touring the globe standing next to Guru on stage for the last 3 years, I can't imagine a world without Bald Head Slick."


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