Shutter Island stefnir ķ aš verša stęrsta opnun į Scorsese kvikmynd fyrr og sķšar enda er hśn meistaraverk

1. Shutter Island (Paramount) NEW [2,991 Theaters]
Friday $13.5M, Estimated $35M Weekend
2. Valentine's Day (Warner Bros) Week 2 [3,665 Theaters]
Friday $5.6M (-61%), Estimated Weekend $17M, Estimated Cume $89M
3. Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Fox) Week 2 [3,396 Theaters]
Friday $4.0M (-58%), Estimated Weekend $16M, Estimated Cume $62M
4. Avatar (Fox) Week 10 [2,582 Theaters]
Friday $4.0M, Estimated Weekend $16M, Estimated Cume $687M
5. The Wolfman (Universal) Week 2 [3,223 Theaters]
Friday $3.0M (-68%), Estimated Weekend $9.0M, Estimated Cume $49.5M
6. Dear John (Relativity/Sony) Week 3 [3,062 Theaters]
Friday $2.3M, Estimated Weekend $7.5M, Estimated Cume $66.2M
7. Tooth Fairy (Fox) Week 5 [2,523 Theaters]
Estimated Weekend $4.5M, Estimated Cume $50M
8. Crazy Heart (Fox Searchlight) Week 10 [1,089 Theaters]
Estimated Weekend $3.0M, Estimated Cume $21.5M
9. From Paris With Love (Lionsgate ) Week [2,311 Theaters]
Estimated Weekend $2.5M, Estimated Cume $21.2M
10. Edge of Darkness (Alcon/Warner Bros) Week 4 [2,118 Theaters]
Estimated weekend $2.3M, Estimated Cume $40.5M


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