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1. Dear John (Relativity/Sony) NEW [2,969 Theaters]
Friday $13M, Est Weekend $30M
2. Avatar (Fox) Week 8 [3,000 Theaters]
Friday $6.0M, Est Weekend $22M, Est Cume $629.0
3. From Paris With Love (Lionsgate) NEW [2,722 Theaters]
Friday $2.7M, Est Weekend $7.5M
4. Edge of Darkness (Alcon/Warner Bros) Week 2 [3,066 Theaters]
Friday $2.3M (-58 from a week ago), Est Weekend $7M, Est Cume $24.3M
5. When in Rome (Disney) Week 2 [2,456 Theaters]
Friday $2.0M (-53), Est Weekend $6.0, Est Cume $21.4M
6. Tooth Fairy (Fox) Week 3 [3,218 Theaters]
Friday $1.6M, Est Weekend $7.0M, Est Cume $34.8M
7. Book of Eli (Warner Bros) Week 4 [2,820 Theaters]
Friday $1.5M, Est Weekend $4.5M, Est Cume $81.8M
8. Crazy Heart (Fox Searchlight) Week 8 [819 Theaters]
Friday $1.2M, Est Weekend $4M, Est Cume $11.5M
9. Legion (Sony) Week 3 [2,339 Theaters]
Friday $1.1M, Est Weekend $3.3M, Est Cume $34.5M
10. Blind Side (Warner Bros) Week 12 [1,740 Theaters]
Friday $700K, Est Weekend $2.5M, Est Cume $241.5M 

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