She’s Out of My League - Plakat


She’s Out of My League

Release Date: March 12, 2010
Studio: DreamWorks Pictures (Paramount)
Director: Jim Field Smith
Screenwriter: Sean Anders, John Morris
Starring: Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve, T.J. Miller, Nate Torrence, Krysten Ritter, Geoff Stults, Lindsay Sloane
Genre: Comedy, Romance
MPAA Rating: R (for language and sexual content)
Official Website:

Plot Summary: Kirk (Jay Baruchel, “Knocked Up,” “Tropic Thunder”), an average Joe, can’t believe his luck. Though he’s stuck in a seemingly dead-end job as an airport security agent, against all odds Molly (Alice Eve), a successful and outrageously gorgeous babe falls for him. Kirk is stunned. So are his friends, his family and even his ex-girlfriend. Now he has to figure out how to make the relationship work, even though he’s the first to admit “She’s Out of My League.”

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