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Duff í fangelsi

Hilary Duff's dad will be spending up to ten days in jail -- all because of a fight over cash for Hilary's birthday party.

According to Houston Chronicle, mama Duff dragged her ex into court today -- and this is no joke -- to ask for $25,000 to throw a party for Hilary's 21st birthday -- because that's what they spent on Haylie's 21st bday two years ago.

After the judge told Bob he had to shell out $12,500 for the bash -- he decided to sentence Bob to 10 days in jail for contempt of court for selling assets without court approval to the tune of $367,537.

When Bob was cuffed, mama Duff supposedly mumbled "This isn't what I wanted." Apparently all she wanted was a whole lot of money -- something her kids have already made themselves.



There is a new Tomb Raider game out soon called Tomb Raider: Underworld, but who really cares because Eidos needs a new real-live Lara to tour in support.

Búið hjá Madonnu og Ritchie ?


Þau lifa núna í sitthvoru lagi og ef það virkar ekki  THE END

Gítarhetjan 2008

Guitar Hero World Tour
Now that we've been enticed with what Guitar Hero World Tour will look like, GameStop has revealed the upcoming rock simulator's price and release date. $189.99 will get you the Guitar Hero World Tour "Band Kit" with drum kit, guitar, and microphone. Meanwhile, the "Guitar Kit" at $99.99 will come with just the guitar controller. For those of you who want to use your current controller (assuming current controllers will work), the game-only version will run $59.99 (or $49.99 for the PS2 and Wii). The game's ship date, as of now, is set at 10/27/08.

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