Færsluflokkur: Mannréttindi

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The Circus Starring Britney Spears could soon turn into a nightmare–with the pop tart threatening to pull the plug on her first world tour in more three years if her ex-husband brings his new girlfriend along for the ride.





Þessi 28 ára stúlka var að setja met í Brjóstastærð



Sheyla Hershey, a 28-year-old Texas native has, according to Britain’s Daily Star,  broken the record for the world’s biggest boob job! Apparently, the lone-star housewife has had nine operations to get her breasts up to a massive, 38KKK. When Texas officials decided that her final procedure, which would take her from FFF to KKK, was too risky, she packed her bags and headed for Brazil.

Hershey stated, “To me, big is beautiful. I don’t think I have anything to worry about.” The Texas officials who denied her the final procedure did so in fear of Hershey’s breasts exploding. Eeek.

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