Færsluflokkur: Bækur

Bók bróðir hennar Madonnu vekur athygli

A memoir by Madonna’s brother claims the singer is a self-absorbed woman who thinks she is “the center of the universe.”

“I hope that it is Kabbalah’s lesson that she is not the center of the universe,” Christopher Ciccone writes in his 342-page book Life With My Sister Madonna, scheduled for release next Tuesday.

Christopher, forty-seven, once worked closely with his superstar sis, even designing and directing her 1993 Girlie Show Tour and servingg as director of her 1991 documentary Madonna: Truth or Dare.

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Lilo segir frá .....

Órðrómur segir að Lindsay Lohan hafi skrifað undir samning um að skrifuð verði bók um hana og mun Lilo fá littlar $2 millionir dollara, það eru  Simon & Schuster sem muna gefa út bókina sem svona dagbókarsjálfsævisögu hennar Lindsay Lohan ekki er bafn komið á bókina en í bókinni munum við geta skyggnst inní hennar baráttur við Bakkuð  og önnur eiturlyf , samband hennar við foreldra, og kynlíf og sambönd við leikarar og annað háttsett fólk í Hollywood. Hún er í mikilli þörf fyrir peninga semsagt.

Tommi ætlar að lögsækja


Tom Cruise is on a secret Mission to recruit David and Victoria to Scientology, according to Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography, a new tell-all from author Andrew Morton. The book also compares Tom’s one-year-old daughter with wife Katie Holmes, Suri, to the Devil’s child in Rosemary’s Baby. Lawyers for the actor have denied all the accusations and are said to be considering a $100million lawsuit.

Tom’s lawyer Bert Fields slammed the “sick and bizarre” claims and branded the book “a pack of lies”.

“Naturally he knows there are a bunch of lies about him. You can imagine what it must be like to have someone compare your baby girl to Rosemary’s Baby. Morton should be ashamed of himself.

“It’s a boring, poorly researched book by a man who has never talked to anyone involved in Tom Cruise’s life or close to him.”

The book also claims some Scientology extremists – known as the Sea Org – think Katie was impregnated with frozen sperm from the church’s dead founder L. Ron Hubbard.

Tom Cruise is so angry over the impending January 2008 publication of Tom Cruise: The Unauthorized Biography that he has enlisted the help of fellow Scientologists in threatening the book’s biographer, Andrew Morton.

“I have received threats from the Scientologist’s and things have become pretty heavy - to the extent that it’s almost more than my lawyers can handle,” Andrew told the Sunday Express.

“I’ve sold my flat and I’m not telling anyone where I’m moving to. I intend to disappear for a while.”

Ég er að lesa bók eftir þessa konu

Jenny McCarthy

Hvað haldiði að bókin hennar fjalli um !! Jóna eða Halla ættu að vita það !!!!.

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